The Claim to the Byzantine Crown
HIRH Prince Theodore of Macedonia, Nicaea, and Anatolia, Titular Emperor of the Romans, Prince Porphyrogenitus and Prince of the Blood is the Chief of Name and Arms (Head) of both the House of Macedonia and the House of Nicaea (Laskaris). As such, he inherits and embodies both families' claims to imperial sovereignty over the Roman Empire (commonly called "in the east" or Byzantium).
Prof. Dr. Renato de Francesco, Counsellor to the Court of Appeal has clarified the legality of claims to headship of Roman (Byzantine) imperial families. He writes:
"The sovereign quality “does not only belong to the physical person of said Sovereign, but to all His Descendants. To better clarify, we will say that the “generic and potential sovereign quality” belongs to an entire dynasty and also to the individual branches of it (“heirs and successors” indefinitely, that is male and female, in legitimate or natural or adoptive or by female devolution, in the Eastern Dynasties) as well as to individual members of it, but the “specific sovereignty”, that is, the powers relating to sovereignty itself are exercised by the Head of Name and Arms of the House or individual family branches, who has first obtained or recognized this quality or first claimed (in all Dynasties the Right of Usurpation was always legalized and legal, as indeed has always happened and always will happen.” (Michele II Angelo Comneno d’Epiro e la sua discendenza – Studio storico genealogico araldico e giuridico Edizioni F. Ferrari P.ta dei Cestari, 2, Rome, 1951, pp.36-37).
Prince Theodore's claim is predicated on unquestionable and fully sourced genealogical descent from the Houses of Macedonia and Laskaris. Below, we list four of the publicly-known lines of descent. It is on the number of lines, and strength of this descent, that Prince Theodore continues to press the claim inherited from his father.
i). Claim to Headship of the House of Macedonia (Paternal)
Emperor Basil I “The Macedonian” m. Eudokia Ingerina = Leo VI (source)
Emperor Leo VI “The Wise” m. Zoe Zaoutzaina = Princess Anna of Constantinople (source: “according to De Ceremoniis by Constantine VII, Leo VI and Zoe had a daughter: Anna. She married Louis the Blind and was mother of Charles Constantine of Vienne”)
Princess Anna of Constantinople m. King Louis “the Blind” of Provence and Italy, Emperor of the West = Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne (source: ibid)
Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne m. Thiberge de Troyes = Constance of Vienne (source)
Constance of Vienne m. Boso II, Count of Provence and Arles = William I, Count of Arles and Provence (source: ‘Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, 8th Edition’ by Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard Jr., William R. Beall, and Kaleen E. Beall, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 2006. Line 141a, page 135)
William I, Count of Arles and Provence m. Adelaide Blanche of Anjou = Constance (II) of Provence (source)
Constance (II) of Provence m. King Robert II “The Pious” of France = Adela of France (source)
Adela of France m. Count Baldwin V “The Pious” of Flanders = Matilda of Flanders (source)
Matilda of Flanders m. Duke William “The Conqueror” of Normandy, King of England = King Henry I “Beauclerc” of England (source)
King Henry I “Beauclerc” of England + Sibyl Corbet (unmarried) = Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall (source and source)
Reginald de Dunstanville m. Mabel FitzRichard = Hawise (or Denise) de Dunstaville (ibid and ibid)
Hawise (or Denise) de Dunstanville m. Richard de Redvers, 2nd Earl of Devon = Avis (or Constance) de Redvers (source and source)
Avis (or Constance) de Redvers m. Sir Hugh De Worthe of Worth = Robert De Worthe, etc. (De Worthe Family) (ibid and ibid)
The De Worthe family eventually went extinct in Devon, however it continues today through the descendants of a younger son who emigrated to Wales (James Le Worthe, gent., whose connection with the Worthe family has been verified not only through genealogical sciences, but also through thorough Y-DNA testing). James's senior-most descendant, by 1909, was Walter Leworthy, who married Sarah (a Bowen of Court House, and therefore direct descendant of Rhys ap Tewdwr Mawr, Sovereign Prince of Deheubarth in south-west Wales).
Walter and Sarah had two sons, Roger (who married a daughter of the Baron De-Ats, and had no issue) and Graham (who married Susan of Aveley, daughter of Hubert, Lord of Aveley). Graham and Susan had one son, HIRH Prince Theodore.
ii). Claim to Headship of the House of Macedonia (Maternal)
Emperor Basil I “The Macedonian” m. Eudokia Ingerina = Leo VI (source)
Emperor Leo VI “The Wise” m. Zoe Zaoutzaina = Princess Anna of Constantinople (source: “according to De Ceremoniis by Constantine VII, Leo VI and Zoe had a daughter: Anna. She married Louis the Blind and was mother of Charles Constantine of Vienne”)
Princess Anna of Constantinople m. King Louis “the Blind” of Provence and Italy, Emperor of the West = Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne (source: ibid)
Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne m. Thiberge de Troyes = Constance of Vienne (source)
Constance of Vienne m. Boso II, Count of Provence and Arles = William I, Count of Arles and Provence (source: ‘Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, 8th Edition’ by Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard Jr., William R. Beall, and Kaleen E. Beall, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 2006. Line 141a, page 135)
William I, Count of Arles and Provence m. Adelaide Blanche of Anjou = Constance (II) of Provence (source)
Constance (II) of Provence m. King Robert II “The Pious” of France = Adela of France (source)
Adela of France m. Count Baldwin V “The Pious” of Flanders = Matilda of Flanders (source)
Matilda of Flanders m. Duke William “The Conqueror” of Normandy, King of England = King Henry I “Beauclerc” of England (source)
King Henry I “Beauclerc” of England m. Matilda of Scotland = Matilda (Maud) of England (source)
Matilda (Maud) of England m. Count Geoffrey Plantagenet V of Anjou = Henry II Plantagenet, King of England (source: ibid – see ‘family tree’ section)
Henry II Plantagenet, King of England m. Eleanor of Aquitaine = King John “Lackland” Plantagenet (source: ibid)
King John “Lackland” Plantagenet + Clemence, a concubine (unmarried) = Joan of England (source: ibid and source)
Joan of England m. Prince Llewellyn “The Great” ap Iorwerth of Wales = Princess Gwladus “the Dark Eyes” Ddu of Wales (source)
Princess Gwladus “the Dark Eyes” Ddu of Wales m. Ralph de Mortimer, Lord of Wigmore = Sir Roger de Mortimer of Wigmore (source)
Sir Roger de Mortimer of Wigmore m. Maud de Braose (or de Bewes) = Margaret de Mortimer (source: ibid)
Margaret de Mortimer m. Sir Robert de Vere, Knight, 6th Earl of Oxford = Ellen de Vere (source – see also source for 18)
Ellen de Vere m. Sir Hugo Naunton, Knight = Sir Thomas Naunton, Knight (source)
Sir Thomas Naunton, Knight m. Mary Aspell (or de Aspall) = Margaret Naunton (source)
Margaret Naunton m. Sir Roger Drury, Knight, MP (Suffolk) = Margery Drury (source)
Margery Drury m. Sir William Clopton, Knight = Alice Clopton (source – p.2)
Alice Clopton m. John Harleston = Vice Admiral Sir Richard Harleston, Knight, Governor of Jersey (source: ibid and source)
Vice Admiral Sir Richard Harleston, Knight, Governor of Jersey m. Unknown Spouse = Marguerite Harleston (source)
Marguerite Harleston m. Phillipe de Carteret, Seigneur de St. Ouen = Helier de Carteret (source: ibid)
Helier de Carteret + Jehanne Colles (unmarried) = Edouard II de Carteret, Bailiff of Sark (source)
Edouard II de Carteret, Bailiff of Sark m. Margaret de Carteret = Jean de Carteret (source)
Jean de Carteret m. Judith Quesle = Thomas de Carteret (source)
Thomas de Carteret m. Sara le Couteur = Philippe de Carteret (source)
Philippe de Carteret m. Esther Tanquerel = Philippe de Carteret (source: ibid)
Philippe de Carteret m. Sara de Carteret = Jean de Carteret (source)
Jean de Carteret m. Michele Hamon = Rachel de Carteret (source)
Rachel de Carteret m. Pierre Guille = Elizabeth Guille (source)
Elizabeth Guille m. Cesar Priaulx = Harriet Anne Priaulx (source: ibid, and source, and 1841 Channel Island Census, book 10, folio 14, page 23)
Harriet Anne Priaulx m. William Shave = Julia Elizabeth Shave (source: 1851 Channel Island Census, folio 347, page 26)
Julia Elizabeth Shave m. Henry Winterflood,, Lord of Aveley = George Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley (source: 1891 Channel Island Census, folio 98, page 7)
George Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley m. Anne Vaudin Mauger = Hubert Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley (source: ibid, and 1911 Channel Island Census, piece 34795)
Hubert Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley m. Marguerit Francoise Edler von Guillemette = Susan Winterflood of Aveley
Susan Winterflood of Aveley m. Rev. Graham Llewellyn Leworthy, gent. = HIRH Prince Theodore
iii). Claim to Headship of the House of Nicaea (Paternal)
Emperor Alexios I Komnene m. Irene Doukaina = Theodora Komnene
Theodora Komnene m. Constantine Angelos = Andronikos Angelos Doukas
Andronikos Angelos Doukas m. Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa = Emperor Isaac II Angelos
Emperor Isaac II Angelos m. Irene Unknown (possibly Palalogina) = Irene Angelina (source)
Irene Angelina m. Philip of Swabia = Marie of Hohenstaufen (source)
Marie of Hohenstaufen m. Henry II, Duke of Brabant = Matilda of Brabant, Countess of Artois (source)
Matilda of Brabant, Countess of Artois m. Count Robert I of Artois = Blanche of Artois (source)
Blanche of Artois m. Edmund “Crouchback” Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster = Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster (source)
Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster m. Maud Chaworth = Joan Plantagenet, Baroness Mowbray (source)
Joan Plantagenet, Baroness Mowbray m. John de Mowbray, 4th Baron Mowbray = Blanche de Mowbray (source)
Blanche de Mowbray m. Sir John De Worthe, thereby becoming stepmother to Thomas De Worthe, etc. (source: ibid)
(Hereafter this claim continues as in line i).
iv). Claim to Headship of the House of Nicaea (Maternal)
Emperor Alexios I Komnene m. Irene Doukaina = Theodora Komnene (source)
Theodora Komnene m. Constantine Angelos = Andronikos Angelos Doukas (source)
Andronikos Angelos Doukas m. Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa = Alexis III Angelos (source)
Alexis III Angelos m. Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera = Anna Komnene Angelina (source)
Anna Komnene Angelina m. Theodore I Laskaris, Emperor of Nicea = Maria Laskarina (source)
Maria Laskarina m. Bela IV of Hungary = Stephen V of Hungary (source: ibid)
Stephen V of Hungary m. Elizabeth the Cuman = Mary, Queen of Naples (source)
Mary, Queen of Naples, m. Charles II of Naples = Margaret, Countess of Anjou and Maine (source)
Margaret. Countess of Anjou and Maine m. Charles, Count of Valois = Joan, Countess of Hainault (source)
Joan, Countess of Hainault m. William I, Count of Hainault = Phillippa, Queen of England (source)
Philippa, Queen of England m. King Edward III Plantagenet of England = John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (source)
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster m. Katherine Roet, Duchess of Lancaster = Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland (source)
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland m. Robert Ferrers, 5th Baron Boteler of Wem = Elizabeth Ferrers (source)
Elizabeth Ferrers m. John Greystoke, 4th Baron Greystoke = Anne Greystoke (source)
Anne Greystoke m. Sir Ralph Bigod = Elizabeth Bigod (source)
Elizabeth Bigod m. John Aske, esq. of Aughton = Sir Robert Aske of Aughton (source)
Sir Robert Aske of Aughton m. Elizabeth Clifford = John Aske of Aughton and Ryther (source)
John Aske of Aughton and Ryther m. Ellinor Ryther = Robert Aske of Aughton (source)
Robert Aske of Aughton m. Elizabeth (or Elianor) Markenfield = Robert Aske pf Aughton, Sheriff of Yorkshire (source: ibid)
Robert Aske of Aughton, Sheriff of Yorkshire m. Eliabeth Dawney = Helen or Ellenor Aske (source: ibid)
Helen or Ellenor Aske m. Sir Thomas Fairfax, 1st Lord of Cameron = Charles Fairfax (source)
Charles Fairfax m. Mary Brerehay = Mary Fairfax (source and source)
Mary Fairfax m. John Beckwith of Bewerley, gent. = Charles Beckwith (source: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, retrieved from, and source: the registers of Askham Richard in the Ainsty of York)
Charles Beckwith m. Anne Calvert = Malby Beckwith (source: Yorkshire, England: Church of England Parish records, 1538 – 1873, retrieved from
Malby Beckwith m. Alice (unknown) = Ambrose Beckwith (source: England and Wales, Christening Index, 1530 – 1980, retrieved from
Ambrose Beckwith m. Susannah (unknown) = Susannah Beckwith (source: England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538 – 1975, retrieved from
Susannah Beckwith m. William Winterflood, Lord of Aveley = Isaac Winterflood of Aveley (source)
Isaac Winterflood of Aveley m. Tabitha Nears = Samuel Winterflood of Aveley (source: ibid)
Samuel Winterflood of Aveley m. Hannah Webb = Samuel Winterflood (source: Essex, England, Select Church of England Parish Registers, 1518 – 1960, retrieved from
Samuel Winterflood of Aveley m. Jane Deem = Henry Winterflood (source: England and Wales Census 1841, digital archive: “Spring Farm, Wix, Essex, England”)
Henry Winterflood, Lord of Aveley, m. Julia Elizabeth Shave = George Edwin Winterflood (source)
George Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley m. Anne Vaudin Mauger = Hubert Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley (source: ibid, and 1911 Channel Island Census, piece 34795)
Hubert Edwin Winterflood, Lord of Aveley m. Marguerit Francoise Edler von Guillemette = Susan Winterflood of Aveley
Susan Winterflood of Aveley m. Rev. Graham Llewellyn Leworthy, gent. = HIRH Prince Theodore.

A depiction of Basil I on a gold coin
A mosaic of Leo VI

William I, Count of Arles and Provence

The arms of the De Worthe family of Washfield in Devon, clearly displaying the double-headed eagle